Social care funding
If you have social care needs, such as support with personal care, mobility or retaining your independence, you may be eligible for social care funding through your local authority. This is also known as a ‘Personal Budget’ as it allows you to be involved with decisions relating to your care.
This type of funding is means tested, which means you may have to contribute to – or completely pay for – the overall cost of your social care.
To find out if you’re eligible, it’s best to contact your local authority to ask for a financial assessment. Once completed, they will confirm how much money they are responsible for providing to fund your care.
If you already have funding for social care in place and would like to organize a package of care, or if you would like to find out more about our role in the funding process, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of the customer advice team today- Call 01634 967555
If you are eligible to receive a personal budget, your local council will either:
- Manage the budget for you
- Pay the money directly to another organisation i.e. Citywide Care solutions
- Pay the money directly to you or someone you choose – also known as a direct payment
You are also able to choose a combination of the different options above. For example, if you decided to set up a package of care with us, you could arrange for your local council to pay some of the money directly to us and send the remainder to you.
Direct payments enable you to decide your care provider of choice, liaise with them to set-up your care package and pay them directly. It means you can easily top-up payments if needed.
We accept both direct payments and payments made from your local council on your behalf.